The Sixth one is Field Marshal Sawf Taltaqit, or Inspector General, has the power to do evil to whomever he pleases and enables one to find the Hand of Glory and teaches the qualities of minerals, vegetables and of all of the animals, pure and impure, possesses the art of foretelling the future, being one of the best Necromancers of all of the Infernal spirits. He can go anywhere and inspects all of the Infernal Militias and has beneath him 'Aybirus, and Glosialobolas, etc..
Haunted Occult Djinn Field Marshal Sawf Taltaqit Of FORTUNE, POWER, WISHES And Vast Wisdom
This Haunted Genie Ring is one that truly reaches into the deepest and most passionate realms of the Paranormal World. I am honored to present to you a very powerful Djinn of the Highest Class and Power. He is an Elite Genie of the Royal Phylum and one of the most beautiful entities in the Universe! He powers reach of so many for anything you desire is promised. Whether it be Wealth, Money, Riches, Love, Romance, Success, Happiness, Luck or Peace, anything is possible. He possesses a power so intense, it will change your reality forever! This Djinn will open the his doors to the most powerful chambers within metaphysical realm to bring the powers deep into your soul.
The Benefits Of This Djinn Consists Of:
This Djinn Will Do Evil To All His Summoners Enemies
He Will Grant His Summoner The Gift Of The Hand of Glory
He Will Grant His Summoner The Knowledge The Qualities Of Minerals
He Has The Power To Grant All Wishes His Summoner May Wish For
The Summoner Of This Djinn Will Be Granted A Wish Of Vast Wealth
This Djinn Will Grant His Summoner The Gift Of Prophecy
He Will Grant His Summoner The Gift Of Necromancy
NOTE: This Ring Talisaman will be delivered within 5-14 days after the order is placed, it'll be consecrated on behalf of the person who orded it in mind, it will also come with the full conjuration, the instractions on what to do and what not to do.
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