The Fifteenth Djinn Spirit is Ipos. He is an Earl, and a Mighty Prince. He knows all things Past, Present and to Come. He makes men witty and bold. He governes 36 Legions of Djinn Spirits. His Sigil of obedience is this, which should be worn during the summoning rituals, etc.
The Benefits Of This Djinn Consist Of:
Wit Ability: He will render his summoner the capacity for inventive thought and quick understanding; keen intelligence.
Divination: He will grant his summoner The ability to gain insight into a situation using occult means.
prophecy: He will grant his summoner the ability of knowing all things past, present and also the prediction of what will happen in the future.
Black Magic Removal: He will cleanse his summoner from all the witchcraft and voodoo that was cast onto him.
Evil Spirit Removal: Black magic and evil spirits are not something to be played around with. These dark art acts are too dangerous to be taken lightly, Prince Ipos will cleanse and wardoff all the evil spirits that may be looming around his summoner. e.t.c....
NOTE: This Ring Talisaman will be handcrafted after the order is placed, it'll be consecrated on behalf of the person who orded it in mind, it will also come with the full conjuration, the instractions on what to do and what not to do.
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